Thursday, March 12, 2020

India Compare & Contrast essays

China/India Compare & Contrast essays The Difference Between Classical China and Classical India Classical China and Classical India were truly great civilizations known for their contributions to modern China and India. Yet as the two developed, they showed uniqueness. Some of the qualities shown were alike, and others were not as comparable. The religions produced in China and India were very unique. In China, rather than developing full-fledged religions, they created more philosophical beliefs. Confucianism, the first and most popular of the philosophies, embraced moral virtues and values. For example, it taught to respect ones leaders, and for the leaders in return to be just and moral in their leadership. Confucius, the creator of Confucianism, believed that if the leaders set a good example, his people would follow it. It also stressed to delight in knowledge, delight in learning, to be polite, and to have good manners. Its teachings were recorded in the Analects. Daoism is another Chinese religion. Daoism, created by Lao-zi, was slightly more spiritual. It embraced natures harmony and mystery and had an entirely different set of ethics. Instead of harmony with your fellow man and government, the Daoist belief harmony with nature was more compatible with frugal living and humility. India, however, was a different story. Hinduism was the major religion in India. Hinduism, unlike Confucianism and Daoism, is a full-fledged religion. It has many gods of nature like Daoism, but each god also represents something more abstract. For example, the god of wind might also be the god that blows someone to the right path in his or her life. Dharma is something taught by the Hindus as a guide to living in the world and still be able to obtain a higher spiritual level of thought. Also, Hinduism is not as one sided when it comes to balancing politics and government with humanly affairs. Confucianism was mainly based on a harmonious government, and Daoi...

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