Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Being Single or Being Married Essay

There are many differences between life as a single person and life as a part of a married couple. some of these differences are obvious, while others are more subtle. The key to make the dicision is the answer of the following question: Do you prefer life of going home to an empty house and a cold bed alone, but which seems easier; or do you prefer life of coming home with considerate family and warm atmosphere, but which seems more complicated? Sometimes, the soceity favors marriages. Because in traditional opinions, a marriage adds happinesses and fulfilments to one’s life. A reseaches also shows that married people are more likely than those who are not married to be very happy: forty-three percent of people who say they are very happy they are married, versus twenty-four percent of unmarried people saying they are very happy[1]. What is more, in a marriage, there is always someone to talk to or listen to you. It is good to have someone there to have a conversation, to bounce idea of or to have a witty exchange of remarks. The companionship between the couple also offer supports and can be particularly important at time of trouble and stress. Partners of a marriage which lasts long are usually assured a certain basic level of emotional sustence. Marriages also result in consistent expression of sexual desire for one’s spouse through the life course. People who are married reported the highest levels of well-being, regardless of whether they were happily married or not. â€Å"Even when controlling for relationship happiness, being married was associated with high-esteem, greater life satisfaction, greater happiness and less distress.† The heavier commitment of marriage brings long-term concerns over a spouse’s future well-being. Marriage is a motivation of fighting for better financial supports. Some people prefer being single. In many people’s dictionaries, being single means being free. Single people can make decisions follwing their hearts without asking for any others’ approval. Their time is their own and their money is their own, so they can dominate the life by themselves. They may occasionally feel that thet have too much empty time on their hands, but thet can fill that time any way they want. Being single makes people really focus on their careers, education, and life goals. Put in long hours, work toward advancement or job hop until they find ideal positions which give them personal satisfaction. Dreams can be pursued freely, life can be shaped discretionarily. Being single may relate to less responsibilities. Besides freedom, another advantage to many people of being single is travalling. From weekend jounts to summer resort vacations, traveling alone is the time in one’s life of getting away and relaxing. On many practical levels, being single has additional advantage, a single person can often snag the odd single seat for otherwise sold-out performance. Without â€Å"wearing a ring†, single people have opportunities to choose their favorite partners among all the pursuers. For myself, I would like to choose the life of being married, rather than the life of being single. First of all, companionship and stabability is much more important to me than freedom. True love and marriage is a companionship. Secondly, as a person who likes struggling emotionally, I do not expect to live in my own emotional world. Thirdly, even though traveling alone is a wonderful experience, traveling with one’s partner will be an unforgettable journey. Visiting the places you both dream of will accomplish your common expectations. The same experience will make you closer. As to the question of being single or being married; people come and go and walk away, but I am not going anywhere. Being married cannot make life easier, but I will have someone to suffer this hard life with me, that is the marriage all about for me.

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