Monday, September 30, 2019
During the first day of our staying
Once upon a time my friends and I went on a hike. The company consisted only of the closest people. We chose a picturesque place with a lake and a forest nearby and intended to make our hike a perfect one. We dreamt about great weather and our dreams came true.During the first day of our staying there we took much photos, gathered berries and flowers. On the second day there we decided to change the place and to put up the tents somewhere else. So we moved closer to the lake, but chose a somewhat higher level, so that to reach the lake one should go down a path lying not far from our camping place. So the girls crawled into the tent while the guys occupied themselves with gathering twigs for a fire. I went to help them too.The girls began fooling around. As they later told us, suddenly they discovered that they moved a little bit with the tent. Then they moved moreâ⬠¦ and moreâ⬠¦ And then not just moved, but fell into the lake from a rather high and steep slope.They began scr eaming, crying for help, and shouting that much that we threw away the twigs and ran to them. Frightened and worried, we didnââ¬â¢t know what to do. Luckily enough, the trees held our tent and it stayed dry, so unlike the girls. Wet and scared, they got out of the lake and came back.That curious story didnââ¬â¢t end, though. When we wanted to fix the tent back, we noticed a nest of snakes covered with leaves on the ex-place of tent. I can hardly call us surprised in that situation. Thanking our destiny for helping us out, we moved to a more secure place. Carefully examined it, we put up there.I guess I can call that hike the most unforgettable thing in my life. I could never imagine that anything of the kind would happen to meâ⬠¦Ã
Sunday, September 29, 2019
European Financial Aspects
Forplay, Inc. , is about to become a reality on the European market. Our company will base its distribution on strategic alliances with local mail order companies, while starting a global ad campaign targeted to an audience age 18 to 45. While we donâ⬠t expect too many difficulties in converting and repatriating our funds, the financial aspects of this operation will still have to face the upcoming European monetary integration. The new currency ââ¬â the euro ââ¬â could significantly impact the way international business is conducted. In January 1996, Andersen Consulting surveyed 169 companies throughout the European Union, finding that ââ¬Å"nearly three quarters felt that deeper integration in the form of European monetary union (EMU) would enhance the single market and bring further benefits ââ¬â such as a more stable currency, lower inflation, lower interest rates, cost savings, efficiency improvements, a more competitive European Union (EU), and increased foreign investment. â⬠There are benefits for companies outside the EU too. Business with Europe will be easier, and investment choices simplified through increased visibility and comparability of prices. Medium- and small-sized companies like Forplay, Inc. , will have less trouble opening a bridgehead into an enlarged unified market, with fewer financial risks. However, there are also many uncertainties. For example, which countries will join? Member states must meet criteria for economic convergence, and it is not certain how strictly these criteria will be enforced. Sluggish economic performance is giving finance ministers little room to maneuver. In some countries, notably the United Kingdom, a significant portion of the political establishment is hostile to the whole process, while in other countries, notably Germany, there is a reluctance to relinquish a strong national currency. Adjustments for the new currency must be made between the start of 1999 and the start of 2002. As a business, we must begin planning now to minimize the cost of changing our information systems and administrative operations and address the legal issues. All software implementations will have to be consistent with the changeover needs, so decisions made in the IT field will be of paramount importance. The migration to the euro will be of concern to risk managers in the world's major banks. Long term, there are many inherent advantages to EMU for controlling financial risk, although there is a chance of ââ¬Å"backing the wrong horseâ⬠by adopting a technical solution that is rapidly made obsolete by the market, technological advances, or unexpected legislation. In the short term, uncertainty and market volatility mean increased risk. According to Bengt Bengtsson, SAS Institute European product manager for risk management solutions, ââ¬Å"Companies should take this opportunity to review and update their treasury operations, foreign exchange, and interest rate management. Flexibility in risk controlling systems and adequate hedging mechanisms will be vital. Liquidity risk will also come high on the agenda as new products and funding possibilities (bonds, for example) become available in the euro. One of the keys to success will be the separation of risk controlling functions from day-to-day trading activities through a risk warehouse strategy. â⬠For a while at least, Forplay, Inc. will have to operate some form of dual accounting, with consequent additional burdens on our corporate chief financial officers (CFOs). In the meantime, CFOs will need maximum flexibility within their ledger accounting systems and their financial consolidation and reporting systems, so they should take advantage of the introduction of the euro to review both. Two types of organizations face challenges,â⬠says Richard King, SAS Institute European product marketing coordinator. ââ¬Å"The first is those with more than one type of transactional ledger system. They will need to consolidate and report in two currencies, based on data from several incompatible sources. Consequently they will need a solution that allows them to look at all relevant dimensions from any perspective, instantly. ââ¬Å"The second is any organization that has standardized on a single type of transactional ledger system but nevertheless lacks flexibility when it comes to financial reporting,â⬠adds King. CFO Vision from SAS Institute, which supports all ledger systems, gives full flexibility in reporting (including multiple currencies concurrently) while protecting existing investments. For us as marketers, the transition to the Euro also raises awkward issues that may seem insoluble to anyone exporting to the EU. For example, should prices be expressed in euros, national currencies, or both? In addition, even though our prices are extremely competitive, for many products there is a marked difference in pricing policies within different EU countries. With the introduction of the euro, prices will be more transparent and such differences more difficult to maintain. Forplay, Inc. should therefore be investing in market research and database marketing to formulate pricing and marketing strategies now to avoid loss of market share and secure the benefits of operating in a single market. Preparation will mean everything as further developments in the deployment of the euro unfold. A keen understanding of current systems, a strong business plan, and flexible technology will mean continued business success ââ¬â in any language.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cadbury Case Study
INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO1171) ââ¬â Sem 2, 2012 Individual Case Study (15%) Due Date: Week 7 (29/8/2012, Wednesday 5pm) Students will be evaluated on how well they analyze the case study by applying the right theories and concepts. The case topic is ââ¬Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasonsâ⬠. At the end of the case study, there are a number of questions in which students need to find answers and justifications. Students need to write a formal business report with a length of 2000 words using 12 pt fonts and 1. 5 spacing.The report must be handed in Week 7 (refer to the due date stated above). Please do not only focus on the article and the texts in getting the answers. Students are advised to refer to at least four (4) academic journals, with additions of materials from newspapers, magazines and Internet websites in analyzing and interpreting the case study questions. They need to acknowledge any borrowed citations or any information under reference lists by using Harvard Referencing System (Please refer to Communication Skills Handbook). Your report must be submitted to Turnitin and cleared.The allowable percentage of match is 25%. Upon uploading, please exclude the table of content, reference and bibliography lists. Do not forget toà attach together the first page of the Turnitin digital receipt on top of the hardcopy of your assignment. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS AND REFERENCES WITH YOUR FRIENDS. ASSIGNMENTS WITH HIGH PERCENTAGE OF MATCH (BASED ON TURNITIN REPORT) WILL BE PENALIZED! Sample of a Business Report (with word limits as an approximate guide for each section) Declaration Formâ⬠Cover Page (can be downloaded from ELearn) Turnitin digital receipt (first page)Cover Page â⬠¢ Report Title: Individual Case Study ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasonsâ⬠â⬠¢ Prepared for: Name of Lecturer & Tutor Victoria University â⬠¢ Prepared/Written by:Student Name VU ID No. â⬠¢ Date of Submission: â⬠¢ Tutorial Group: Executive Summary â⬠¢ Inclusive of the:Introduction of the report Content of the report Conclusion and recommendations of the report â⬠¢ Should be written only after analysis is completed. â⬠¢ Do not repeat by using the same sentences and words as the ones used in the report. â⬠¢ Must spell out and explain the summary instead of just ââ¬Å"out-liningâ⬠it. Should not be exceeding one page length and paragraphing is encouraged. â⬠¢ Guide ââ¬â Approximate word count = 300 ââ¬â 400 Table of Contents â⬠¢ Titles and subtitles â⬠¢ Page numbers â⬠¢ Appendices (if attached) â⬠¢ Must be typed and not handwritten 1. 0 Introduction (Must include these four main components) â⬠¢ Purpose of writing the report â⬠¢ Short summary of the case study â⬠¢ Relevant marketing theory definition and explanation (Briefly) â⬠¢ Guide ââ¬â Approximate word count =300 ââ¬â 400 (Make use o f paragraphs) 2. 0 Problems/issues Identification 3. 0 Analysis â⬠¢ No Assumptions and No own opinions!Only proven facts will be accepted. Every statement made must be referenced and listed under bibliography page and reference list. â⬠¢ Do not use ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Weâ⬠when writing reports. Do not personalize the report but instead use third party language. â⬠¢ Guide ââ¬â Approximate word count =500 ââ¬â 600 4. 0 Recommendations/Choices of solutions â⬠¢ List the courses of action, which, the writer, think, is the most appropriate to the firm â⬠¢ Be specific and not general in giving suggestions. â⬠¢ Must be related to the facts mentioned in the case study article. â⬠¢ Guide ââ¬â Approximate word count =400 . 0 Conclusion â⬠¢ Brief presentation of the major findings that have been discovered within the content of the report. (Do not repeat the things you have mentioned in the content because a summary IS NOT a conclusion! ) â⠬ ¢ Guide ââ¬â Approximate word count =200 List of References â⬠¢ The reference list at the end of the report should be alphabetically ordered. â⬠¢ You are required to refer to at least 4 academic journal articles and also to some numbers of texts, magazine/newspaper articles and websites. (Please refer to the Communication Skills Handbook on how to write referencing)IMPORTANT NOTE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THE ACADEMIC JOURNALS, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DATABASES LIKE EBSCOHOST, EMERALD AND ETC. PLEASE REFER TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR FURTHER DETAILS. YOU CANNOT SEARCH FOR THESE MATERIALS USING WIKIPEDIA, GOOGLE OR YAHOO SEARCH. Appendices (optional) â⬠¢ Should be kept at minimum â⬠¢ If it is so detailed and long, put it into the content of report â⬠¢ Give each appendix a number and a title and enter it into the Table of Contents â⬠¢ Do not put in any of the journal articles that you have used for your report Note: 1.Students are to write using formal, bu siness-like tone for this report. This means there should be no usage of ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Weâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Youâ⬠in this report. 2. They are also encouraged to write clear and concise expression of English language. 3. There should be a logical flow of sequence. 4. The report should also be free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors. Hence, before submission, proofreading must be done. 5. Please also write the word count at the end of the report (after the conclusion section). INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO 1171) Individual Case Study (15%) Marking Sheet Semester 2, 2012 CRITERION |Very Good |Good |Satisfactory (met min. |Inadequate |Not addressed / Weak |Mark | | | | |requirements) | | | | |Introduction and |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen has |The ssue/problem is not |/2 | |problem/issue identification |appropriate and is clearly stated in|appropriate with elaboration |appropr iate |limited relevance |identified | | |(2%) |the assignment with justification | | | | | | |Problem analysis and | |Can analyse a range of |Can evaluate the reliability of |Can analyse a limited range of |Fails to analyse information. /5 | |justification (5%) |Can critically review evidence and |information, select appropriate|information using defined |information. Limited & only |Fails to evaluate or use | | | |analyse situations using a wide |techniques of evaluation. |techniques. Has given a factual |partially accurate evaluation of |techniques of evaluation, or | | | |range of techniques appropriate to |Appropriate issue/problem is |&/or conceptual knowledge base |information using defined |evaluations are totally invalid | | | |the topic.Thorough explanation of |explained and analysed | |techniques | | | | |the chosen issue/problem and is well| | | | | | | |analysed | | | | | | |Formulation of alternatives |Recommendations with reliability, |Clearly explained |Relevant recom mendations made |Vague recommendations, limited |No recommendations or are |/3 | |or possible solutions and |validity & significance |recommendations which relate | |solutions |obscured by poor mechanics | | |recommendations (3%) | |closely to the case | | | | | | |Fluent writing style appropriate to |Language fluent. Grammar & |Language mainly fluent. Grammar &|Meaning apparent, but language |Meaning unclear &/or grammar |/2 | |English expression |document. Grammar & spelling |spelling accurate |spelling mainly accurate |not always fluent.Grammar &/or |&/or spelling contain frequent | | |(sentence/paragraph |accurate | | |spelling contain errors |errors | | |construction, spelling, | | | | | | | |grammar and punctuation) (2%)| | | | | | | |Use of relevant references | |Demonstrates wide range of |Uses some appropriate literature |Uses only very limited |Fails to use relevant literature|/3 | |and referencing in written |Demonstrates wide range of reading |reading from a variety of | material in the assignment. |appropriate literature material |material in the assignment. | | |report (3%) |including from academic peer |credible sources. Referencing |Referencing is mainly accurate. |in the assignment. Some attempt |Referencing is absent/ | | | |reviewed journals in the appropriate|is mainly accurate | |at referencing. unsystematic | | | |area. Referencing is consistently | | | | | | | |accurate both within & at end of | | | | | | | |document | | | | | | ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â TOTAL: /15
Friday, September 27, 2019
Time Management and Refreshing Classes Tools for Educational Retention Essay
Time Management and Refreshing Classes Tools for Educational Retention - Essay Example To get the most from everything we do, we must be in control of time (Convey, 1994). Or else, decisions that affect how well we play the game, when we play the game and the position we play will be decided for us by others. On the side of a student, which is what this paper will emphasis on, time management, skills and discipline are very essential in life. The biggest problem they have is time management (Laikein, 1973). Failure to manage their time well has led to poor performance, indiscipline cases, and lack of respect for others. Some students have gone to a point of dropping from schools when they realize that it is too late to accomplish what they are supposed to do. What they normally forget is that school represents a period in their lives that will change their future. They should keep this perspective in their minds so that the daily decisions they make turn out to be wise (Mante & O'Brien, 2002). All students including high school, colleges, and university students should have one goal; to help themselves become aware of how they use their time as a resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in their studies in the context of activities of people living together with them (Boje, 1991). Analyzing the problem of time management will create avenues for teachers and lecturers to understand the reasons why their students do not do their assignments as expected and in the right time. It will also help the students to comprehend the importance of adhering to teacherââ¬â¢s rules, regulations, and advices. This problem will be solved when schools, colleges and universities amalgamate time management programs in their classes to help students handle time management problems. This can be done by fixing time management classes or doing orientation to new arrivals. Poor performance is a major problem that is brought by poor time management (Morgenstern, 2004). The largest per centages of students fail in classes or drop from schools due to poor performance after they are unable to manage their time properly. To curb these problems, there are many methods that can be adapted especially in universities. Mental tools that teach them to incorporate new tactics in their time management skills can be useful. The simple and practical techniques will benefit the students in their classes and their entire lives. They should put the most essential things first. After accomplishing them, they should reward themselves (Berge & Oliver, 2003). This will greatly boosts their morale and make them inspired to do better than that. Every student should find his or her right time to do things. They should figure out the most efficient time to do their best. If one is more comfortable in reading at the middle of the night, then he or she must know that the brain works well at that time. They should not wait for any other time to do it. They should also determine their priori ties and set realistic goals that can be attained. We cannot do everything at the same time and these calls for us to set up the importance of each item. Application of Appreciative Inquiry principles can help solve these problems and bring a significance impact to lives of students. This is the learning of what brings existence to human beings operation when they are at their most excellent. It is a methodology of organization development based on the assumption that dialogue on strengths, achievements, wishes, importance, and dreams are transformational. It is used for strategic planning within organizations, boards in schools, and school districts (Barrett, 1998). It is also very useful in intensification of ties among administrators, staffs, and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Cultural Retention in the Caribbean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cultural Retention in the Caribbean - Essay Example This paper tells that to Sheridanââ¬â¢s account, the sugar revolution, which was most evident in the history of Barbados, had caused the re-emigration of whites to other colonies and had brought in enslaved Africans in increased numbers. As oppressed peoples have always been able to retain aspects of their cultural traditions, perhaps, because it is their most basic way of resistance to oppression, African culture remains strong in the Caribbean despite the intrusive cultural forces of globalization ââ¬â for example, ââ¬Å"the massive influence of the US mass mediaâ⬠. As Hillman has described: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ throughout history, the people of the Caribbean have been engaged in heroic struggles to liberate themselves from the structures and exploitation of colonialism, slavery, imperialism, neocolonialism, and dependencyâ⬠. According to Brodber, the popularization of Justin Hindsââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËCarry Go Bring Comeââ¬â¢ ââ¬â a song of resistance against Western tyranny as background music at the political gatherings of the opposition party during the 1966-1967 election campaign - has demonstrated music can be an effective instrument for the reawakening of black consciousness. This has inspired young singers to fearlessly express their feelings leading to the popularization of ââ¬ËAfricanizedââ¬â¢ songs in Jamaica. What made these songs Africanized is not only their contents which openly persuade their listeners to accept the Rastafarian concept of black history ââ¬â the dominant theme of Bob Marleyââ¬â¢s music that has been gaining international recognition up till today ââ¬â as well as their musical compositions, which are distinctively African: the beat (clave-rhythmic pattern), techniques (melisma and yodel), genres (blues, jazz, salsa, zouk, and rumba), instruments (drums, slit gongs, rattles, double bells) and style (festive and participatory). In his study of African music, Merriam attributed the most outstanding cha racteristic of African music to ââ¬Å"its emphasis upon rhythmâ⬠¦ upon a percussive concept of musical performanceâ⬠¦ simultaneous use of two or more metersâ⬠¦ use of hand-clapping asâ⬠¦ accompaniment to songâ⬠¦ presence of membranophones and idiophones as outstanding instruments of the orchestra, percussive intonation and attackâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬
How can cognitive behaviour therapy be modified to fit the needs of Essay
How can cognitive behaviour therapy be modified to fit the needs of young children - Essay Example The client works together with the therapist in developing skills relevant for recognizing ill full thoughts, testing adjusting beliefs, changing behavior, and how one relates with other people. Normally, many clients in need of cognitive therapy suffer from assumptions that direct them to certain reactions. Among the assumptions are the thoughts of unworthiness, under-estimation of achievements, over-generalization of issues, maximization of negative issues and minimization of positives. For example, person who would have lost their job due to an avoidable mistake might believe they are useless. Such persons may focus on the mistake that happened and use the mistake to justify their feeling of themselves. The believe leads the individuals to damaging emotions like frustration and hopelessness (Scaruffi, n.d., p1). Such persons see themselves as losers and thus start keeping to themselves in effort to avoid making similar mistakes in the future. A prolonged feeling of unworthiness adopts into a response that confirms the original feeling of being useless every time the person faces similar experiences. Cognitive therapy works at testing the assumptions the client had and co nsidering new information capable of shifting the assumptions to a direction that allows different behavioral or emotional reactions. The clients with the help of the therapist train how to use flexible ways of thinking and response to issues. The therapy challenges the clients to interrogate their thoughts on the truthfulness and the advantages of such thoughts to their goals. If a thought is found unhealthy, the therapy recommends it replacement with more helpful thoughts capable of facilitating more desirable responses and can aid achievements of the clientââ¬â¢s goals. Cognitive therapy therefore can be termed as a skill-building approach that allows the therapist to teach the client how to practice the skills learned individually until they become their own
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
MGMT442 U3 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGMT442 U3 DB - Research Paper Example A programââ¬â¢s measure of performance can be gauged through the response collection from the employees. It can also be gauged through the overall productivity comparison between two time sets before and current mode of operations. Any program that adds value and reduces the wastes and redundancy within the product or process amount to the effective performance undertaking and addition of quality to the overall product and package. In todayââ¬â¢s competitive era, the employees expect professional response from the employers, training, equal opportunities and an environment that favors anyone with ability and hard work regardless of any affiliation or social standing. The other stakeholders of the organization expect in time delivery, keeping them on board, making the decisions in light of the mutual benefits and mutual considerations, and handling the operations in complete professional and timely manner make up for the stakeholders
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Reflection Paper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection Paper - Thesis Example Basically, the nature of business competition within the market is very complex in the sense that the business owner is required to deal not only with the specific needs and wants of their target customers but also play close attention to the business strategy that each business competitor is using in the market (Brandenburger and Nalebuff). As one of the principles of game theory, business owners should keep in mind the saying that ââ¬Å"to every action, there is a reactionâ⬠(Brandenburger and Nalebuff 58). It simply means that whatever decision the business owner makes would definitely affect something or someone. Within this context, major business decision could either directly or indirectly affect the customers, suppliers, or their business partners. To earn profit, the business managers should be able to satisfy the specific needs and wants of their target customers. By doing so, existing customers would stay loyal to the brand. To grab a bigger share in the market, the business owner should apply a more complex business strategy. Aside from examining the product quality, design, and market price offered by other similar companies, the business manager should take it as a challenge to develop new ways on how they can create competitive advantage as compared to their close market competitors (Brandenburger and Nalebuff; McGahan; Ohmae). In general, the elements behind a successful business or competitive strategy is not limited to the creation of a competitive advantage but also the ability of the corporate managers to position the brand in the market, to create a vision which can be used to guide the rest of the employees to work towards a single organizational goal, the need to create and set specific business goals, and the development of business activities that can help create more value to the brand (McGahan; Ohmae). To increase the chances wherein the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Short Answer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Short Answer - Assignment Example The intercessions become more dedicated and intricate as the stratagems employed at a particular stage are looked into. 10. The watchword is to challenge the negativities and encourage the positive aspects. For example, when the light is put on, the darkness automatically disappears. If the procedure has to work, it should include viability, desirability and efficacy. The responsibility rests upon teachers as well as the parents. Their positive dispositions leave an effect as for the teenââ¬â¢s capability to partake in societal and activities in the educational institution. The three areas of insufficiency abilities elucidated are communications skills, social skills and self-management skills. Constructive behavior backing, being primarily a teaching method, is successful. 11. Certain broad factors need to be identified such as goal identification, collecting information, developing assumptions, support plan design, execution and watching. Primary prevention approaches focus on intercessions employed on an educational institution-wise system for learners. This stage of deterrence is defined "primary" because majority of the students are treated on identical terms, also relating to identical stage to the intercession. The primary deterrence level is of consequence by the numerical point of view. Secondary level interventions are for a small and limited group as per the exclusive requirements of the students of this group which include societal backing like sharpening social skills by specific exercises or educational sustenance. Tertiary-level packages are mostly intensive or individual-based intercessions and are the most inclusive and intricate. Behavioral strategies categorized under PBS are many to enable toe students to transform their behavior. S ome of these strategies are delivered through the consultation process by teachers. To prevent the most severe forms of problem behaviors, normal social behavior in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Overview of Strawman Theory
Overview of Strawman Theory Strawman theory traces its origins to the ancient Roman legal practice of capitis deminutio (decrease of head), a term used in Roman trials for the extinguishment of a persons former legal capacity. Capitis deminutio minima meant a person ceased to belong to a particular family, without loss of liberty or citizenship. Capitis deminutio media involved loss of citizenship and family, but not liberty. Capitis deminutio maxima involved loss of family, citizenship and liberty (e.g. being made a slave or a prisoner of war).[4] The term was later revived in the US by the tax protestor and sovereign citizen movements and combined with a misreading of the definition of person from Blacks law dictionary (an American law dictionary). Strawman theory takes the term capitis deminutio, misspells it (commonly as Capitis Diminutio) and claims that capitis diminutio maxima was represented by an individuals name being written entirely in capital letters (even though Latin only had capitals back then). This led to the idea that individuals had a separate legal personality now called a strawman, represented in capitals. (rationalwiki, 2015) Strawman theory holds that an individual has two personas. One of them is a physical, tangible human being, and the other as their legal person, personality or strawman, often referred to as a legal fiction. (The term legal fiction is used by woos as if it were synonymous with intangible, rather than using its correct meaning.) The main use of strawman theory is in escaping and denying debts, liabilities and legal responsibility. Tax protestors, commercial redemption and get out of debt free scams claim that ones debts and taxes are the responsibility of the strawman and not of the real person, freeing the real person from the need to pay them. Sovereign citizens movements and freemen on the land also extend this concept to law and legal responsibilities by claiming that it is only their strawman that is required to adhere to statutory laws such as paying taxes, having licences and obeying traffic laws. They also claim that all legal proceedings in courts are taken against your strawman rather than you as a person and that when one appears in court they appear not as themselves but as representing their strawman. The justification for this is their false notion that governments cannot force anybody to do anything against their will. They therefore create a strawman which being their own creation they are free to boss about at will. Woos believe that by separating oneself from their strawman or refusing to be identified as their strawman they can escape their various liabilities and responsibilities such as paying their debts or obeying laws they dont like. This is typically done by denying they are a person and the same thing as their strawman or by writing their name in various bizarre ways such as the following: John of the family Smith John of Smith John:Smith John (commonly known as) By doing this they are refusing to represent the strawman. In addition to capitals, the use of titles such as Mr and Mrs are claimed to indicate a reference to a persons strawman. Surnames are also typically referred to as part of the legal fiction and advocates will often insist that they dont have a surname but rather a family name. Some woos believe that the strawman is created by the government when a birth certificate is filed. Woos sometimes then try and present their birth certificate when their strawmans name is called for, such as in court. [edit] Debunking It should be noted that there is a legal principle known as Idem sonans (Latin for sounding the same) which states that similar sounding names are just as valid in referring to a person. The relevant UK precedent is R v Davis 1851. If two names spelt differently necessarily sound alike, the court may, as matter of law, pronounce them to be idem sonantia; but if they do not necessarily sound alike, the question whether they are idem sonantia is a question of fact for the jury. The strawman belief seems to stem from a misunderstanding of the concept of legal person-hood. In actual legal theory there is a difference between what is known as a natural person (which is a human being, i.e., not a legal fiction) and that of a corporate person (a legal fiction known as corporate personhood, which applies to business, charities, governments and any recognised organisation). Courts recognise human beings as persons, not as a legal fiction joined to a flesh and blood human being but as one and the same (though in the past not everyone was recognised as a person before the law). They have never recognised a right to distance oneself from ones person, or the ability to opt out of personhood. Where this defence has been tried in court, judges have rejected it. It is impossible to dodge the law by insisting that you are different from your person. If a court can establish your identity, regardless of your consent or cooperation, then it is free to engage in proceedings and sanctions against you. The use of block capitals to fill in forms is often used as evidence for the existence of strawmen. The idea is that the form is asking for your strawmans identity. In reality this is done for ease of reading by humans and computers alike; it is not evidence of some legal conspiracy. (rationalwiki, 2015) rationalwiki. (2015). Retrieved from
Friday, September 20, 2019
Collective Responsibility For Learning And Education
Collective Responsibility For Learning And Education It is often heard that two brains are better than one. And the idea of such makes perfect sense. One would suppose that by working together, more will be accomplished. But does this apply to a school, its administrators and teachers, and its students? As stated in this article, data was provided, hypotheses were assumed, and studies were completed to see if, in fact, collective responsibility does have promising impacts. Throughout the course of this essay, the importance of collective responsibility within a school and its effects on gains in achievement for early secondary school students will be examined, tested, and discussed. What is collective responsibility? The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy refers to collective responsibility as a shared responsibility (Smiley, 2005). This definition is displayed similarly in a school. Collective responsibility is all members of the school (including but not limited to administrators, teachers, counselors) accepting responsibility for the students success or lack thereof. Authors Valerie E. Lee (an associate professor of education at the University of Michigan) and Julia B. Smith (an assistant professor of education administration and school reform at the University of Rochester) conducted an experiment to determine if the organization of teachers work influences students. (Lee and Smith, 1996). This study focused on three theories: the before mentioned collective responsibility for student learning, staff cooperation, and control over classroom and school work conditions (Lee and Smith, 1996). The article states that it is important for a secondary school to bur eaucratically distribute knowledge into partitions with each group having its own set of experts. For example, teachers would undertake the role of knowledge experts. With this, teachers will be cooperating amongst one another in order to improve upon past teaching methods in hopes gaining student achievement. These educators will not only benefit from face to face interaction with their colleagues, but they will also take part in teamwork. (Lee and Smith, 1996). Lastly, the authors of this article believe that distributing control will produce more effective decision makers as teachers. This idea of empowerment suggests that decision making over resources, technical skills, and curriculum knowledge be handled properly by administrators and teachers. While there is no known relationship between teacher control and student outcome, there is a connection between teacher control and his or her attitude about his or her efficiency in the classroom. (Lee and Smith, 1996). The article sta tes, empowering teachers would induce commitment, and commitment would in turn influence student learning (Lee and Smith, 1996). To understand more about collective responsibility, a study was completed to focus on the shared boundary between teachers, students, and schools (Lee and Smith, 1996). The purpose of this research was to study the correlation between teachers work lives and the extent to which their students learn. Three hypotheses were presumed relating to the following subjects: responsibility and demographics, the teacher and his or her work life, and the teachers work life and equity. (Lee and Smith, 1996). The first hypothesis suggested that schools where teachers assume responsibility for learning enroll students who typically do better in school (Lee and Smith, 1996). These schools are said to be those with more privileged students according to their race, social class, or ability. Understandably, teachers would be more likely to accept acknowledgment for their students achievements if they are learning well. Conversely, teachers would be less like to accept blame for their students failures and pass the responsibility onto the children and their families. (Lee and Smith, 1996). The second hypothesis theorized that in schools where teachers take more respons ibility for the results of the teaching students learn more. In schools characterized by high levels of staff collaboration and teacher control, students also learn more. (Lee and Smith, 1996). And the third hypothesis suggested that features of teachers work live may either facilitate or debilitate the learning of disadvantaged students. Specificallyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ high levels of responsibility for learning are associated with learning that is equitably distributed within the school according to students social background. (Lee and Smith, 1996). These hypotheses were tested. Following are detailed descriptions of the method used to conduct this study. The sampling design was derived from a sample used in the first and second waves of the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) (Lee and Smith, 1996). NELS:88 was sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and is an all-purpose analysis of United States students and schools. The article discloses that one thousand middle grade schools (about 25 students in the eighth grade from each school) were tested in 1988. These same students (tracked through questionnaires) were tested again in 1990. (Lee and Smith, 1996). This sample included all NELS sophomores the fit the following criteria: Students must have full cognitive test data from the base year and the first follow up, Data must be available from their high schools and their teachers, Students had to be enrolled in public, Catholic, or elite private high schools, and Students must have been attending high school with at least four other NELS sampled students. (Lee and Smith, 1996). After the conditions were applied, 11,692 students from 820 different schools were studied. These schools consisted of 650 public schools, 68 Catholic schools, and 47 independent schools. (Lee and Smith, 1996). There were also certain criteria for the teachers of the students. In the base year the teacher sample was comprised of either the eighth graders mathematics or science teacher and either the English or social studies teacher (Lee and Smith, 1996). The teachers were subject-matched when the students reached the tenth grade in the first follow up according to the base year. Below is a pie chart of how the subjects mathematics, science, English, and social studies were distributed as a major subject area amongst the teachers. (Lee and Smith, 1996). Four measures were assessed as part of the teachers professional community. They are 1) collective responsibility for student learning, 2) the standard deviation of teachers responsibility for student learning, 3) cooperation and support among teachers and administrators, and 4) teacher control. (Lee and Smith, 1996). The outcomes from the base test and the follow up test were altered with item response theory (IRT) methods and ultimately compared to see the difference between the two tests. This difference was referred to as the gain score.. In science and social studies, the outcomes were equal from the base test to the follow up test. However, in mathematics and English, the follow up tests had to be adjusted to fit the students capabilities. Demographic measures included the students social class, minority status, and gender and the schools average social class, minority concentration, ability level, academic emphasis, and sector. (Lee and Smith, 1996). The analytic approach provided a descriptive analysis of teachers work lives. The schools were grouped into three categories: 1) high levels of collective responsibility for learning, 2) average levels of collective responsibility for learning, and 3) low levels of collective responsibilities for learning, based on the standard deviation above, within, or below the mean. (Lee and Smith, 1996). After the research had been completed, the results were presented. To understand the results, one must observe the tables presented in the article. When considering the descriptive differences among students in schools with differing levels of collective responsibility for student learning, note that the students are categorized into three groups based upon the levels of collective responsibility structure throughout the school they are attending: high-responsibility, average responsibility, and low responsibility (Lee and Smith, 1996). The students attending high responsibility schools calculate to a total of 1,226 students, or 10.5%, while the students attending average responsibility schools is a much greater total of 8,801 students, or 75.3%. Lastly, students attending low responsibility schools fall between high responsibility schools and average responsibility schools with 1,665 students, or 14.2%. (Lee and Smith, 1996). These outcomes can be found in table one in the article. Table two in the article display information regarding descriptive differences among schools with differing levels of collective responsibility for learning (Lee and Smith, 1996). Again, the levels of collective responsibility are sorted into three groups: schools with high levels of collective responsibility, schools with average levels of collective responsibility, and schools with low levels of collective responsibility. The number of schools filed in the high levels of collective responsibility is 134, or 16.3%, whereas the number of schools sorted into the average levels of collective responsibility is a significantly larger number of 548 schools, or 66.9%. The schools with low levels of collective responsibility rest slightly higher than those with high levels but considerably lower than those with average levels of collective responsibility at 138 schools, or 16.8%. The tables go on to show that
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Our Fear of Wolves :: essays research papers fc
Our Fear of Wolves Wolf! What is the first thought that enters oneââ¬â¢s mind upon the utterance of that word? More than likely it is the image of a hairy, razor-sharp toothed beast awaiting the thrill of its next merciless kill. Unfortunately, this stereotypical image has been embalmed within the human psyche of the Western civilization for hundreds of years. Most have never even seen a wolf, yet humanââ¬â¢s fear of the animal is seemingly as natural as being afraid of the dark. Might these fears be caused by the mindââ¬â¢s interpretation of the literature and stories that have been told over the centuries? For hundreds of years, the wolf has been greatly mischaracterized and it is time to put these out-dated notions to rest. à à à à à Writings depicting wolves as evil creatures are present in every era of history and began very long ago. As far back as 500 BC, the Greek fabulist Aesop often used wolves as characters in his short stories that are today known as Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables. Colette Palamar, a researcher at the University of Idaho, indicates that the animal characters in the fables symbolically represent different values and attitudes, and Aesop uses them to deliver some type of ethical advice or moral (1). Unfortunately for the wolf, ââ¬Å"In Aesopââ¬â¢s fables, we saw the wolf portrayed as a wild, boundless animal who is a conniving, tricky, sneaky thief and killerâ⬠(Palamar 3). Although the intent of his stories was to give people ethical advice, his goal was achieved at the expense of the wolfââ¬â¢s reputation and influenced people to believe that wolves were horrible creatures. The way that the wolf is portrayed in mythology and fairy tales effected peopleââ¬â¢s impression of the animals. R.D. Lawerence points out how Germanic Norse mythology tells the story an enormous wolf named Fenris, who was the first son of the satanic overlord Loki (122). The legend of Fenris states that, ââ¬Å"[he] was so large that when he opened his mouth his jaws stretched from earth to heavenâ⬠(Todd 1). As the legend goes, he ââ¬Å"devoured several hundred people before the gods were able to chain him.â⬠(Lawerence 122) This 1000-year-old German legend tells us that the wolf eats people mercilessly and is a satanic offspring of the devil. Take also into consideration the widely popular fairy tale ââ¬Å"Little Red Riding Hood.â⬠R.D. Lawerence states that, ââ¬Å"The story of Little Red Riding Hood perpetuates a number of myths about wolvesâ⬠(120).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Decision-Making Models Essay -- Decision Making
Decision-Making Models Negotiations and decisions are a part of everyday business. In order to make a successful decision, it is necessary to understand how to make rational and sound decisions. Decisions that are rash, made on snap judgments, and past experiences can prove detrimental to a business. A deficit in basic thinking and decision making is felt at all levels of an organization (Gary, 1997). Decisions can have long term and short term impacts on organizations and their world in which they exist (Turner & Dean, 2008). In order to understand the process of making a sound and good decision, it is necessary to define and understand several decision-making models. These models help to make clear the issues to be addressed and the goals that need to be obtained before a final decision is made. This paper will discuss the zero sum game, win-win, satisfying solutions, and the fixed pie models. Zero-sum game can play an important role wherein one entity wants or needs to dominate the other. Of the several decision-making models that can be implemented, the zero sum game is one decision model used in negotiations. In this instance, there is a winner and a loser. There is no give and take or compromise. The zero-sum can be seen in chess ââ¬â only one player can win. However, in Monopoly, if it is not played with the intention of having one winner, but several players to place, is a non-zero-sum game, also known as a win-win (US department of state, n.d.). The second model is the non-zero, also known as the win-win model. This is used in compromises so that each of the ââ¬Å"playersâ⬠feels like a winner. The total amount gained is variable; therefore, both players win and lose objectives (Heylighen, 1993). In this model, eac... ...9712C, 15-18. Heylighen, F. (2000). Principia Cybernetica Web, in: Heylighen, F., Joslyn, C. and Turchin, V. (eds): Principia Cybernetica Web. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from Spangler, B. (2003). Distributive bargaining: Beyond Intractability. Guy Burgess & Heidi Burgess (eds.). Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Retrieved November 16, 2010, from Turner & Dean (2008). Testing the effects of prior performance on decision regret: Doubling-down, or all bets are off? Journal of Global Business Issues; 2, 1 13. U.S. Department of State (n.d.). Consulate General of the United States: Zero sum game between russia and the U.S. is gone with the cold war. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Being Single or Being Married Essay
There are many differences between life as a single person and life as a part of a married couple. some of these differences are obvious, while others are more subtle. The key to make the dicision is the answer of the following question: Do you prefer life of going home to an empty house and a cold bed alone, but which seems easier; or do you prefer life of coming home with considerate family and warm atmosphere, but which seems more complicated? Sometimes, the soceity favors marriages. Because in traditional opinions, a marriage adds happinesses and fulfilments to oneââ¬â¢s life. A reseaches also shows that married people are more likely than those who are not married to be very happy: forty-three percent of people who say they are very happy they are married, versus twenty-four percent of unmarried people saying they are very happy[1]. What is more, in a marriage, there is always someone to talk to or listen to you. It is good to have someone there to have a conversation, to bounce idea of or to have a witty exchange of remarks. The companionship between the couple also offer supports and can be particularly important at time of trouble and stress. Partners of a marriage which lasts long are usually assured a certain basic level of emotional sustence. Marriages also result in consistent expression of sexual desire for oneââ¬â¢s spouse through the life course. People who are married reported the highest levels of well-being, regardless of whether they were happily married or not. ââ¬Å"Even when controlling for relationship happiness, being married was associated with high-esteem, greater life satisfaction, greater happiness and less distress.â⬠The heavier commitment of marriage brings long-term concerns over a spouseââ¬â¢s future well-being. Marriage is a motivation of fighting for better financial supports. Some people prefer being single. In many peopleââ¬â¢s dictionaries, being single means being free. Single people can make decisions follwing their hearts without asking for any othersââ¬â¢ approval. Their time is their own and their money is their own, so they can dominate the life by themselves. They may occasionally feel that thet have too much empty time on their hands, but thet can fill that time any way they want. Being single makes people really focus on their careers, education, and life goals. Put in long hours, work toward advancement or job hop until they find ideal positions which give them personal satisfaction. Dreams can be pursued freely, life can be shaped discretionarily. Being single may relate to less responsibilities. Besides freedom, another advantage to many people of being single is travalling. From weekend jounts to summer resort vacations, traveling alone is the time in oneââ¬â¢s life of getting away and relaxing. On many practical levels, being single has additional advantage, a single person can often snag the odd single seat for otherwise sold-out performance. Without ââ¬Å"wearing a ringâ⬠, single people have opportunities to choose their favorite partners among all the pursuers. For myself, I would like to choose the life of being married, rather than the life of being single. First of all, companionship and stabability is much more important to me than freedom. True love and marriage is a companionship. Secondly, as a person who likes struggling emotionally, I do not expect to live in my own emotional world. Thirdly, even though traveling alone is a wonderful experience, traveling with oneââ¬â¢s partner will be an unforgettable journey. Visiting the places you both dream of will accomplish your common expectations. The same experience will make you closer. As to the question of being single or being married; people come and go and walk away, but I am not going anywhere. Being married cannot make life easier, but I will have someone to suffer this hard life with me, that is the marriage all about for me.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Key Economic Indicators and Changes over time in Bangladesh
The ancient region that in 1000 B.C. was called the Vanga, or Banga, Kingdom is considered to be #8 among the poorest and most densely populated countries today. Bangladesh, an independent country with parliamentary democratic government at the head of the state, remains dependent on foreign investors, grant aids and loans from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the U.S., Japan and some Western countries, and suffers from corruption, lack of reforms, weak infrastructure and unstable financial system.The economic exploitation of the East Bengal (contemporary Bangladesh) by the West Pakistan, contemporary Pakistan, has turned out to be the complete deficit for the first player and the surplus for the other one. Yet, the advantageous climate, fertile soil, abundance of water and population growth are still playing the essential role and bringing the balance in economic indicators: income and employment rates, productivity, import and export prices, inflation, balance of trade, balance of payments, etc.Till the 10th century the East Bengal was ruled by Buddhists. Since that time the power had been handing over to Hindu, then Islamic converts in 1576 and British India from 1757 till 1947. However, the foreign dominance has shifted to domestic one and for 24 years the historic region of Bengal was a part of Pakistan. Though, the most of Pakistani population were the residents of East Pakistan (contemporary Bangladesh), the West Pakistan was holding the control over politics and economics.Grace to Sheik Mujibur Rahman and other Bengali nationalists, the independent state of Bangladesh with the capital of the state ââ¬â Dhaka, and Sheikh Mujibur, as its head, was proclaimed on March 26, 1971. However, 1 million Bengalis had to pay the price during the four-year civil war that followed the independence of Bengali nation. On February, 1974, Pakistan finally accepted their autonomy attempt and a slaughter of brave soldiers was compensated in an unexpected way .The greatest problem, which has affected the devastated economy in 1980s, was the population growth. According to the facts, provided by Heitzman, J., and Worden, R., the population of East Bengal in 1901 numbered 29 million people, of East Pakistan ââ¬â 44 million in 1951, of Bangladesh ââ¬â 71 million in 1974, 87 million in 1981 and 110 million in 1988 (1989). It was expected that Bangladesh will reach the mark of 140 million by 2000 and today it numbers 150 million people. Today, Bangladesh takes the first place in population among Asian countries, the third one in national debt and the lowest GDP growth ââ¬â 4.5 percent (Vital Statistics, 2006).Though Bangladesh had such natural resources as natural gas, timber, coal and agricultural land, they could not cover the demand of the growing population, along with natural disasters, such as cyclones, tropical monsoons, droughts, tornadoes, tidal bores and floods; therefore, agriculture ââ¬â the key economic factor â⠬â was rising from ashes over and over again.So, the newly proclaimed government had to seek answers to the following issues:1) environmental ââ¬â degradation and erosion of soil, deforestation, lack of lands for cultivation, shortages of water and its pollution, natural disasters;2) national ââ¬â overpopulation, illiteracy, technological regress and diseases.The independence has also brought some economic concerns, which have to be solved with the help of brand new economic policies and planning. The government of Bangladesh had to manage over 300 industrial enterprises (90 percent out of all enterprises such like), which West Pakistani owners left after 1971. The grant aid and loan commitments to the developing economy at that time numbered $15 billion disbursed out of $22 billion planned. The UN Development Program, along with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and developed countries gave a hand to strengthen the new nation.In order to manage the economy, the government of Bangladesh had to develop new industrial capacities and rehabilitate the economy itself. The West Pakistani economic model turned out to be inefficient and has led to economic stagnation. In 1975, the government resolved to organize public corporations and gave a greater scope to private sector, which is still working on. The state-owned enterprises that were targeted at: sugar, cotton textiles, steel, fertilizer, chemicals, minerals, pharmaceuticals, food, forest, paper newsprint, cement, garments, tea processing, engineering and shipbuilding products have been privatized; while banking sector, jute, oil and gas production remained under the governmental control.Bangladeshi government endeavored to encourage private sector and investments, denationalize public industries, ease up the import system and reinstate budgetary regulation. Yet, the reforms, expected from an enhanced structural adjustment facility (ESAF), along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), were affected by political confrontation in 1991-1993. That very year, Bangladesh received $3.3 billion in food and development assistance from the United States and was forgiven $293 million of national debt. The corruption level and political troubles cut the foreign investments in 2000-2001 and led to the economic regress.In 2003, after liberalization reform, the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) $490-million plan for 3 years was approved by the IMF. Also, the World Bank has approved $536 million in interest-free loans. Other economic policies originated from the West Pakistani model and estimated the Annual Development Program, Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs) and the five-year plans for the economy.The first two waves of the Five-Year Plan failed to meet the objectives; but the last one, which lasted from 1985 to 1990: reduced poverty, ââ¬Å"[brought] down the rate of population growth to 1.8 percent annually (present rate is 2.2 percent (Vital Statistics, 2006)), in crease[d] exports by 5.9 percent andà domestic savings by 10 percent, attain[ed] self- sufficiency in food production, [stated] GDP of 5.4 percentâ⬠(Heitzman, 1989). In its turn, the government of Bangladesh maintained institutions, responsible for implementation of economic policies and planning. The Planning Commission, the National Economic Council, the Executive Committee and the Project Evaluation Committee were and are still monitoring the reforms and progresses of economic policies and plans.According to the ââ¬Å"Bangladeshâ⬠fact sheet, the key economic indicators between 2001 and 2006 are as follows: GDP showed a stable increase from $47.2 billion in 2001 to 63.0 billion in 2006, therefore, real GDP growth varied from 4.8 to 6.2 accordingly; GDP per capita have increased from $335 to $407; goods exports varied from 14.5 percent of GDP to 16.1 percent. The Central Bank of Bangladesh in its publication ââ¬Å"Major Economic Indicatorsâ⬠provided the ample data on other economic indicators. Hereby, the Bangladeshi inflation rate increased from 1.5 % in 2001 to 6.94 % in 2007; balance of trade, 2007, amounts $-2,551 million, exports increased by $1519.05 to $9036.45 million (20.21 %) and import payments increased by $2172.8 to $12743.5 million (20.55%) in 2007.These promising facts show that foreign investments and loans, along with domestic policies, improved infrastructure and financial system, made economic reforms, and strengthened Bangladeshi positions on the global market. Yet, the growing number of labor force earns its livings from agriculture, while undeveloped industrial sector, inefficient power supplies and underdeveloped energy and gas resources hide the potential for economic growth, developed market, and the way out of poverty. The government of Bangladesh had turned its blind eye towards the economic perspectives of technological progress, the interrelationship between transportation and communication, and the core econ omic factor ââ¬â industrialization in the very beginning of the new nation, so today it remains underdeveloped and holds the place of one of the poorest countries in the world.References:Central Bank of Bangladesh. (2007, May). Major Economic Indicators: Monthly Update.Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2006, July). Bangladesh: The Economy FactHeitzman, J., Worden, R. (1989). Bangladesh: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for theLibrary of Congress.Virtual Bangladesh. (2006, August). Economy: Vital Statistics. Retrieved June 5, 2007, from Read also: Padma Bridge
Sunday, September 15, 2019
US Space Program and Exploration
NASA initiatives are critical to finding solutions to environmental issues. Personally I think that adequate usage of space science will allow astrophysicists to explore the universe and promote conclusive research. Such studies will not only answer pertinent societal issues but will also lead to the advancement of the society. I believe that Space exploration is an Invaluable tool to the development of nature. On a personal point of view, space exploration adequate funding will assist in the advancing of cultures and societies. It is an issue that leads to individuals increasing heir Intent In the field of sciences and other fields.Despite the Issue having disputes, space exploration continues to receive substantial support from politicians and other individuals in the community. The world of today indicates that development In the field of science and technology will Improve the livelihood of societies. America is reducing its spending to NASA, which has the endorsement of overseei ng most of the exploration initiatives. This is not appropriate given that other countries are continuing Investigation and success will have the Intention of bettering the livelihood of their citizens.I think space is currently at a critical level and the United States should strengthen its research initiatives. Space exploration has been leading studies of other planets and their behaviors. There is a statement that usually illicit mixed reaction in the community. There are individuals that state that it is essential to resolve issues of earth before the examination of other planets. There are different politicians that induce similar sentiments during their campaigns and political rallies. In 2006, news anchor Katie Court in commemoration of Sputnik. Said that NASA request for $17 billion was unbelievable.According to her, this amount of money could find application In a myriad of activities right here on earth. Analyzing the situation she failed to realize that space exploration will protect the world from potential threats. I have a belief that studying the universe will provide solutions to potential pandemics facing earth. Such pandemics include climate change and solar flares. The current problem of space exploration is misunderstanding. Many individuals consider It as an extravagant way of spending American citizen tax money. Politicians recommend that funding to NASA should stop.They propose that the government does transfer such funds towards societal projects such as health promotion. Before toys basis. My assessment is that the current problems stem from the fact that, during that period, development of airplanes for space exploration was for status. Nowadays, the reason leading to space exploration is to understand various phenomena occurring in the outer space and affecting the earth. Such explorations will assist in to an understanding of such aspects and develop relevant precautionary measures. In addition, it is possible to conduct exploratio n of Mars for the possibility f supporting human life.Another problem that I foresee hindering the development of space exploration is reports by media houses. Many people do not oppose to space exploration, but it is due to their lack of adequate information. Media only reports once things go wrong with organizations supporting exploration of the outer space. The impression that people acquire from media is that there is no benefit culminating from space exploration but extravagant usage of taxpayers' money. Once individuals generate a perception concerning a something it is difficult to convince such people otherwise.It is difficult to pass the information that space exploration diverts resources of United States to initiatives that aim at solving earth problems. It is crucial for people to have the information that solutions to the current earth problems are in space so that they change their belief about space exploration. I think that solutions to these societal issues would re quire ensuring that citizens have adequate information that will allow them to make credible decisions. Many people believe that the government should divert NASA funding to societal programs.Looking at the 2007 budget directing NASA funding into social funding would mean increasing the later to $ 1. 597 trillion from $ 1. 581. I think it would be naive to think that a 0. 6% increment would have any significant impacts on society. On the other hand, cutting social spending by 1% would increase NASA spending by double. This would increase explorations in space that would provide solutions to a number of problems currently facing the world. Information acquisition can assist citizens to understand that exploring the outer space is not a waste of tax payer's money.In addition, space program leads to the improvement of the society by providing amicable solutions. Politicians should also support the program if it will survive. Many politicians choose not to take part in the debate about exploration of the outer space. Interestingly, politicians continue to downplay the role of space exploration by indicating that it is worthless. Solving the current societal belief that US space program is not essential, space exploration require adequate support from politicians. Advocate of the program should also quit playing defensive and instead embrace their importance.They should insist on the government that the space program require extra funding by having significant scientific research and conclusions. If space programs focus on solving societal problems, there will be a shift from many people dismissing the program to supporting it. Studying the outer space and basing their research on issues that will lead to solving issues is the solution. Studies should include activities such as reducing the effects of solar flares on communication or climate change will lead to its support. Space programs and explorations are indispensable to the society of today. It has and observ e all planets.This is through providing societies with adequate information regarding the outer space. In an example, research concerning Venus indicates that there is an alarming greenhouse effect. Currently, the world is grappling with the reality of deteriorating climate on earth. Studying the events leading to the current green house effects in Venus can assist in solving that problem. It would mean saving generations that would otherwise suffer if there is a lack of required information. If other countries explore and find such solutions it will mean that they will solve the problems of their country, which will advance such economies technologically.Observations made on planet mars indicate that it lacks water. There is no single river in Mars, which means that there were occurrences that lead to the disappearance of water in this planet. Governments would suffer embarrassment in the event of extinction of the world due to lack of proper exploration measures. US space programs are vital to societies of the earth if it will lead to the realization of solutions to problems affecting the world. It is a vital societal issue that require cautionary approach. On a personal point of view, United State government should increase funding of space programs.Failure to support this program will lead to its demise. Essential research will halt as a consequence of Space program failure. United States citizens will miss a pertinent opportunity to find solutions to their problems. I observe that space exploration program is crucial to the world of today. Discussions contained herein indicate that it lacks adequate information that leads to individuals' hostility against the program. Many have a belief that it is wastage of taxpayers' money. Research indicates that it is possible to solve certain societal issues using such programs.It is search realization that led countries such as India, Russia, and China to advance their technologies in this field. Observations of Ven us could result to solutions to green house effects and the climate change. Successful research of Mars could provide adequate information regarding its lack of water, which could be a future problem to earth. Such solutions are societal and would lead to the development of the society and communities of United States and the world at large. It is in accordance with this I believe that United States government should increase its spending on space exploration programs.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Compare Essays Baldwin & Emerson
The focal point of this paper is to compare and contrast the essays, James Baldwinsââ¬â¢ In Search of a Majority: An Address and Ralph Waldo Emersonââ¬â¢s Race. Both the writers investigate into the aspects of race and communities and reveal their faith in accordance to their argument. James Baldwin states that to understand and evaluate the aspects of racial differences it is important to understand the true nature of minorities and majorities in a given state or nation.He believes that once the majorities of a country or region is identified it would be logical to understand the reason behind the social strata of the majority. In other words, James Baldwin indicates, according to his thesis or discussion, that ââ¬Å"the only useful definition of the word ââ¬Å"majorityâ⬠does not refer to numbers, and it does not refer to power. It refers to influence. â⬠(Baldwins, 2006) On the other hand, Emerson believes that race is the fundamental influence and ingredient of success. For his argument, he has constructed his text and taken the English as a model of most influential race.According to his belief the English people are the most dominant and influential race and to prove that he states, ââ¬Å"How came such men as King Alfred, and Roger Bacon, William of Wykeham, Walter Raleigh, Philip Sidney, Isaac Newton, William Shakspeare, George Chapman, Francis Bacon, George Herbert, Henry Vane, to exist here? What made these delicate natures? was it the air? was it the sea? was it the parentage? â⬠. (Emerson, 2006) Thus, Emerson tries to prove that race is the inbuilt and fundamental aspect of success.Thus, both these essays can well be related to each other in the sense that both the writers are trying to find out the fundaments of racism and the dominant features of a social stratum. However, both the writers are looking at the same elements of sociological confluence but from the opposite directions. While, Baldwin feels that the most powerful group of people are those who are the most influential in a given society Emerson feels that the most influential human group in a given society are the one who are the most racially powerful and distinct.Emersonââ¬â¢s claims of dominance of the Englishman starts with their ancestral background of the Germanic origins during the roman era and whom the Romans too found very difficult to handle and impossible to dominate. Then he imposes historical data like the details of the British Empire and the demographic supremacy of the empire at its zenith. To prove his point he indicates, ââ¬Å"It is race, is it not? that puts the hundred millions of India under the dominion of a remote island in the north of Europe.â⬠(Emerson, 2006) On the other hand, Baldwin looks into the matter of arguments in a more contemporary sense. He indicates that there is only a sense of paranoia in the context of xenophobia in modern US. He indicates that, as the population of the Negro community is l ess influential in US society it is obvious that ââ¬Å"It is only too clear that even with the most malevolent will in the world Negroes can never manage to achieve one-tenth of the harm which we fear. â⬠(Baldwins, 2006)If the two arguments are compared in this context we would find that Baldwinââ¬â¢s arguments are induced by a sense of humane appeal and he suggests that all human races have the chance to be powerful and influential at a given condition and thus he suggests that every human race has a fair chance to dominate at a given point of time and at a given point of space. On the other hand, Emersonââ¬â¢s arguments are more fundamentalist in nature and at times it appears that his only intention of writing is to prove English superiority as a race.He tends to forget the entire human history and just focus on the last two hundred years where the English dominated most of the world population. Nevertheless, such conditions came and went for most of the races of the world. There were the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. The Greeks and the Persians were at a high. The Romans, Huns, Mongols and French all had their days in the sun. So, what makes the English better than the rest?The author fails to answer this and chooses to keep these questions out of his text. However, if we take the two arguments together we would find an interesting observation that we could not by approaching them each individually. If that is done we would find that there are some specific notions of success for a race and if the situation and surroundings are in complete alignment with each other there are possibilities that any race can become the dominant race of the world, at least for a period.This is the fundamental revelation of these two arguments that has not been mentioned once in these texts. References: Baldwins, James; (2006); In Search of a Majority: An Address Emerson, Ralph Waldo; (2006); Race; The Complete Works Of Ralph Waldo Emerson; www. davemckay. co. uk; Retrieved on 07. 04. 2008 from http://www. davemckay. co. uk/philosophy/emerson/emerson. php? name=emerson. 05. english. 04
Friday, September 13, 2019
Immigrants and nativism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Immigrants and nativism - Essay Example This political party would oppress any immigrants for the existing job for the Native Americans (Bennett 179). During the potato famine in the mid 19th century, a huge wave of nativism took part in unite states after the migration of Irish Catholics to the country. Petitions to the congress from the northeastern state suggesting that the immigrants right to vote be limited. The Irish Catholics were barred from holding any public office across many states when the constitution became the law of the land in 1806. In Massachusetts and other colonies by the 1870s, a celebration of Guy Fawkes Day was done by burning the pope in effigy. Allegiance to the pope was viewed to bring political unrest in America by the natives. A national nativist movement was organized by November 1837 by anti-Catholics. With the increase in numbers of immigrants between 1820s-1850s, there was reinforcement of economic, social, and political concern in New York and other points was done. A native majority select committee in the House of Representatives endorsed legislation extending the naturalization period for all the immigrants especially the Irish Catholics who they deemed as uneducated, superstitious and dominated by their priests (Bennett, 174). Though, with much support, the legislation did not pass. A lot of legal restriction soon followed all trying to oppress the immigrants and even trying to get rid of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Analysing children's drawings in relation to current theories on Essay
Analysing children's drawings in relation to current theories on cognitive development - Essay Example Children move from uncontrolled to controlled scribbles. The second stage known as pre- schematic stage occurs from two to four years. Children tend to use their favorite colour to colour every imaginable thing. They are able to draw people with large heads and smaller stick bodies. The other stages include the schematic stage where children create stories for their drawings and the preteen stage which involves the ââ¬Å"I can drawâ⬠syndrome. (Wallace 2002) Consistent with this five stage theory, Victor Lowenfeld 1947 also categorized childrenââ¬â¢s visual art development into five categories, namely, Scribbler, Preschematic, Schematic, Drawing Realism and Pseudo-Naturalism. In light of the fact that only the drawings of a three year old child are analyzed, just the first two stages of Lowenfeldââ¬â¢s art development, specifically, Scribble and Pre-schematic, will be discussed. Lowenfeld posited four sub stages to the Scribble stage. These include disordered-uncontrolled markings, longitudinal-controlled repetitions of motions, circular motions and naming. Lowenfeld maintains that the appearance of circular images with lines mark the beginning of the Preschematic stage. Throughout this stage the schema or visual idea is created. The drawings demonstrate what is ââ¬Å"perceives as most important about the subject.â⬠(Wallace 2002) Unlike Jean Piagetââ¬â¢s stages of development which has a chronological age guideline, Lowenfeldââ¬â¢s stages proceeds along the characteristics of the childrenââ¬â¢s art. In his description of the scribbler, Lowenfeld suggests that no discernible shape such as an identifiable object or animal is observable. He also proposes that the Scribbler does not represent any specific space in their drawings. The lines drawn appear to be arbitrarily made. However, in his letter to his GP, child A demonstrates an understanding of space in that the scribbles vary in length representing
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Utopia and Sonnets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Utopia and Sonnets - Essay Example Regarding the men folk, the Utopians recommended that they should be four years older than the women at the time of their marriage. Utopians were so strict about keeping morality in married as well as familial relationship that they never allowed any kind of illegal relationship prior to marriage, and if there occurred any offending, they persecuted the trespassers. One is thunderstruck when realizing the reality that such kind of offenders were forbidden ever after in their life to marry, and they were forgiven only at the princeââ¬â¢s mercy. If the offence was among the married people, or if it was a forcible seduction, the punishment was so severe. There was possibility for the couples to return to their former life after being felt repentance over their actions. They followed monogamy that one has to keep his wife in pleasure as well as in displeasure and he could part with her only with death, except adultery break the bond. If both husband and the wife are accused, it was th e license of the council to decide the proper. One feels their custom of choosing husbands and wives as absurd that women had to show her nakedness to the wooer. Regarding the Utopians, they had given due importance to this custom and they mocked at other nations and their customs. To the Utopians, it was their ritual which they observed for identifying the physical and moral strength and weakness of their future life partner, ââ¬Å"and the endowments of the body causes the virtues of mind more to be esteemed and regardedâ⬠(Of Wedlock, p.91-92). One of the notable features of the Utopian society was that they allowed divorce with the full consent of the couples and they could marry others. To conclude, one can infer that though some of the rules existed in Utopia with regard to marriage was absurd, some others are acceptable even in the modern society. Elizabethan prose has always attracted the attention of many that it was rich in its form and content.Ã
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Process Analysis on how to cook a specific item ( author's Choice) Essay
Process Analysis on how to cook a specific item ( author's Choice) - Essay Example Pasta can be used with almost every meal but the taste would be seemingly different in accordance to the type of sauce, cream and associating dishes added to it (Woodruff, 2001). The Al Dente term is defined as ââ¬Ëto the toothââ¬â¢ which translates to that pasta strand with the outer lying soft texture but still firm on the inside. In other words, the pasts is not overcooked and is much firmer that most commonly cooked pasta. Al dente pasta is more of a cooking technique rather than an actual type of pasta. Cooking pasta the al dente way means it attains a particular texture. Al dente pasta has its health benefits as it helps lower the glycemic index which translates to our bodies having less blood sugar thus avoiding blood sugar spikes. Overcooked pasta on the contrary, has high Glycemic Index rating which cause a spike in the sugar level in the blood (Woodruff, 2001). Pasta is a starch-based filling just like bread, rice and potatoes which makes for a healthy diet. People ar e encouraged to eat at least 6 servings of starch daily. People can be creative and make the pasta more interesting by making different kinds of pasta. One has the option of using vegetables, chicken and shrimp. Other options include simmering pasta with sauces, spices and herbs like in the Mediterranean dishes. Americans prefer the plain old macaroni and cheese or mixing pasta with casserole dishes (Woodruff, 2001). Ingredients Some of the requirements include several sprigs of fresh rosemary, bread pieces, mustard, quality beef or pork which should be minced for the meat balls. In addition, oregano, salt, pepper, basil, garlic, chili and cheese for spicing up the meat ball sauce. Not forgetting the egg which is used for making the spaghetti meat balls and vinegar, onions, tomatoes and of course s The Pasta One thing that someone must have in mind before starting the cooking of the ââ¬ËAl denteââ¬â¢ pasta is that it must be soft enough but also have some sort of rigidity and maintain shape. This means that it must not be sticky but instead be starchy at just the right amount so that the meat ball sauce may stick on it. Method The first step is to put water in a large cooking container and let it boil. The amount of water should be about four to five times the amount of pasta which is being cooked. The amount of pasta also depends on the number of people to be served. So for 250gms of spaghetti, it is advisable for one to use about a liter full of water to prepare it. Salt is added to the water at this point not so much and not too little; just the right amount. Then the pasta is added into the pot or cooking container once the water has boiled. This is done by slowly dropping in the pasta into the boiling water. Once the pasta and water are now boiling in together, the heat at this point should be monitored and kept as a medium. One can simmer down until the pasta is well-cooked or put the heat high enough to stir up the pasta so that the strands remain separated. During the first few minutes, one can stir the pasta with a fork and the stirring can be reduced or completely stopped once the water is becoming used up. By keeping the pasta at the right temperature, and ensuring that the water does not all dry up, then the pasta is less likely to stick onto the sides of the pot. Depending on the instructions on the spaghetti packet, one should not cook for a time longer than what indicated there. About a
Elsa Schiaparelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Elsa Schiaparelli - Essay Example The essay "Elsa Schiaparelli" states the surrealism and Elsa Schiaparelli. Elsa Schiaparelli drew deep inspiration from surrealism. She worked in collaboration with several similar minded artists such as Salvador Dali, Jean Cocteau, and Alberto Giacometti, between 1889 and 1966. Surrealism is most significant in those designs of Elsa Schiaparelli which she produced in cooperation with Dali. Examples of the most surrealistic dresses are the skeleton dress which carried the image of bones on black cloth, as well as the tear dress which carried pictures of wounds on broken skin. Most important in this regard is the spine dress which highlighted the shape of a womanââ¬â¢s figure most emphatically. An important innovation made by Elsa Schiaparelli was that she added the charm of formal dress to common wear. She introduced the use of animal prints. She also introduced the use of zippers which were identical in color to the fabric itself. She possessed an excellent sense of humor, which she skillfully applied in designing. The aspect of surrealism is most visible in the hats designed by Elsa Schiaparelli. A very popular hat designed by her looked essentially like a lamb chop. Other significant innovations made by Schiaparelli include humorous patterns on sober clothing, which included quotes having been printed on the cloth. She is also credited for introducing other surrealist fashions which included hats having erotic shapes, food-looking accessories, clothes having prints of body parts, bones and organs.
Monday, September 9, 2019
St. Augustine and Telemachus in Homers Odyssey Essay
St. Augustine and Telemachus in Homers Odyssey - Essay Example Unlike Monica to the young Augustine, Penelope did not share any knowledge or wisdom to Telemachus. Instead, there were even times that it was Telemachus that rebukes her. In Book 1 of the Odyssey, Telemachus rebukes Penelope for her bereavement which was caused by a song. In Book 23, he rebukes her for not welcoming Odysseus properly. In my observation, Telemachus' respect for Penelope rose from the fact that she was his mother but not because she was wise and Telemachus looked up to her. With respect to their father's Telemachus was closer to his father than the young Augustine was. Although Odysseus was away the whole time Telemachus was growing up, it was actually his absence that caused Telemachus to step up, take responsibility and be a man. And the little time that they spent shortly after Odysseus returned to Ithaca and during their battle against Penelope's suitors was enough to greatly influence Telemachus' maturity. On the other hand, Patrick has less influence on Augustine. He did make young Augustines' study in Carthage possible. And as a pagan, he did provide Augustine alternative principles to Catholic faith. Though I believe that this was a great reason why Augustine was so open-minded, I think it was his mother's faith and wisdom that ultimately influence Augustine's view. Augustine believed in only one God who plays passive role in people's lives. That God creates people in goodness but lets them live their own lives as they will. He even believed that God is not a separate being and it is actually within him, within everything. On the other hand, there were many Greek gods in Telemachus' life. Contrary to what Augustine believed, Greek gods are separate beings. They have names, personalities and even relationships. And they also play a very active role in people's lives. They talk to them either thru dreams or by disguising as humans. They even help them out in battles. Their Search for Knowledge All his life, he sought for knowledge. He went out to study at Carthage, Rome and Milan. He devoted his entire existence seeking for the truth in faith, sciences and philosophy. And he even had to deal with inner conflict in the process. Telemachus went on a journey as well. But unlike Augustine's quest for knowledge on greater things such as life itself, Telemachus' quest was limited only to seek for knowledge on his father's whereabouts. And despite such journey, his acquisition of any information was greatly because of the gods. Athena fed him information either by disguising as Odysseus friend or sending messages in his dreams. Conclusion In my opinion, Telemachus and Augustine's process of coming of age was very different. They differ as to how they regard their parents and who ultimately influenced their persons. For Telemachus, it was his father that greatly influenced his being. On the other hand, for Augustine, it was his mother that influenced his ideals and principles. They also differ on how the gods affects their living. For Telemachus, the gods actively participated in his activities. But for Augustine, God served only as a guiding force. However, for me, the most important difference in their maturity is this. For Telemachus, it is my opinion that maturity was imposed on him. If his father was not absent, there would not be any annoying suitors courting his mother. There would not be a need for him to take responsibility and
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Education & Assessment of English Language Learners Assignment
Education & Assessment of English Language Learners - Assignment Example If children from poor families are having difficulty in learning the school curricula, it is because maybe it is not tailored to incorporate their culture. They have lifestyles, resources, or belief systems that different from those found in the curricula. Because it has been pointed out in the article that the type of English a pupil uses is largely dependent on what is done in their community, the best way to make pupils learn more is to tailor the language so that it fits the culture of the student. The references, allusions and stories should be derived from the culture of the pupil. However, this poses the challenge of what the children would like to aspire to; letââ¬â¢s face it, the children are in school so that they can be able to improve their lives and join the middleclass; if their literature ,material is to be modified so as to fit their cultures, it is likely to discourage them. Employers are also not looking for people who speak ââ¬Å"Blackâ⬠English or a diffe rent dialect that is not standard; they want Standard English. This problem is rather difficult to address because people already believe the stereotypes. In my opinion, poor people just need to conform and teach their children better English; it is the easier option than changing the curriculum to something the children are working hard to get out
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Nordstrom's Success Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nordstrom's Success - Term Paper Example They have knowledgeable sales clerks and sales people who pay more attention to customers (Lamb, et. al, 2011). Nordstromââ¬â¢s level of service is known to be high full service. Sales people are taught to always try to understand their customers. They should try to make their customers have the best shopping experience at any time they visit the store. Nordstrom is therefore at the full service continuum level since its employees would do whatever is possible to make their customers happy. Nordstrom aims at giving the best experience to its customers, whether they are shopping on- line, in their stores or through a mail order catalogue. A good example of a business that is on the other end of the continuum is Target. Although they have good customer service, it cannot be compared to that at Nordstrom. Customers will just be greeted at the door when going into the store and not much assistance will be given to them. Their sales people with focus on making sales rather than assisting customers fully. Target does not depend on high quality customer service. The store will just ensure that products are well displayed on the shelves and that the store processes are running smoothly. The self-service model is more important at target store since customers will just walk around the store and look for whatever they wish to buy by themselves. Nordstrom has knowledgeable sales people who provide quality services to their customers because they know that each customer would love to get a unique shopping experience. The highly trained employees will create personal interactions with each customer and this will ensure that their needs and wants are satisfied. Nordstrom also uses selective distribution as a method of retailing. The departments now manage inventories at its stores and website as one big entity. When a customer is shopping online and the product is
Friday, September 6, 2019
My Forest Essay Example for Free
My Forest Essay Forests are a treasure of tranquility, a symbol of integrity, source of diversity and a place of unity. We can find plenty of flora, fauna, trees, animals, birds and species living together with abounding love in the forest. Mixed fragrance, pure air, healthy herbals, roaring streams, descending falls and moving beings make a forest a lively playground of peace. Above all, its serene presence always leads into a celestial experience of all who enter in and experience it. This essay is an exploration of the contribution of forests to the welfare of humankind, and human response to forests in order to understand the present scenario and reflect on the future of human-forest relationship. Forest as thriller From my childhood onwards I was indoctrinated about forests through various ways. Most of my childhood bedtime stories started with ââ¬Å"there was a deep forest in whichâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ In addition, heroic adventures and especially thrillers are shown in movies from forest contexts. Christian missionary organisations often portrayed forests and tribal people more like people who were in danger with evil beasts, living in a threatened environment. In addition, Indian literatures mostly portrayed forests as appropriate places for hermits and as a place for divine mediation to escape from the chaos of this world. Being fed with this kind of imagery, I was led into believing that people who lived in forests, particularly tribes, lacked any culture. So on the whole, I was partially educated that forest is a dangerous place and the people who were living in forests were also dangerous. These kinds of notions and inputs led me into a kind of anti-forest sentiments until I took my intensive fieldwork in Similipal forest range in Orissa in August 2007. The 25 days stay at Similipal forest range and a life in the forest with the people of the forest changed my perception about forests and helped me to live and experience the real situation, rather than living in a strange imagination. Forest as Martyr Forest always stands for human welfare and benefit. Everything found in the forest is used by human beings for sustaining their lives. For example, major deforestation took place in India beginning from 1853 to start railways; numerous trees have been cut down to make ââ¬Å"sleepersâ⬠and simultaneously used for fuel too. Flowers, fruits, roots, leaves, stems, and seeds, everything have been given to human, but the question persists, as to why human are concentrating on cutting trees, and destroying their lives? Trees have life by themselves; they live, bloom, and grow; how unethical is human attitude towards trees in the forests! We, who cal ourselves educated people, need to learn something from the people living at the grassroots. The Dheevar caste of Bhandara district of Maharashtra never catch fish going upstream on spawning migration, although they are exhausted and easy to catch. There are entire sacred groves and ponds in which no plant or animal is damaged. 1 During my fieldwork with tribal people in Similipal forest range and throughout our stay, we could not get milk for consumption, though there were numerous cows found around. Once, we asked a lady who owned two cows, ââ¬Å"Did you get milk from cow? Immediately she replied, ââ¬Å"How can I get milk from the cow? Cowââ¬â¢s milk is the life of its calves and it is unethical to suck oneââ¬â¢s life to nourish ourselves. â⬠I then understood why they didnââ¬â¢t drink cowââ¬â¢s milk; they were only using cow dung as manure in their fields. It is very important for us as literate human generation to ethically look into the issue of deforestation; we have been taking each and every product of the trees, we have been cutting the generous friend, God given gift, that is, the tree itself, out of our utter selfishness. Certainly, we should regard all the trees as martyrs as we get rains through them, we get good air through them, good food through them, and so on. On the whole, when we acknowledge the sacrifice of trees simultaneously, it is our commitment to save and sustain their life in order to create a greener and healthier world. Forest as healer Human atrocities over nature have increased, consequently, human and the earth, both have become ill. Climate change is one of the worst effects in this regard. It is the time to heal our earth as well as the human generation. When South Asian Tsunami devastated South Asia in 2004, the major reason found for the damage was, the eradication of mangroves forests and coral reefs in the sea shore area by the shrimp industries. Now the Government and NGOs are planting mangroves and making coral reefs in the sea shore. From this example it is very clear that tress are not only martyrs, but also the healers. If we grow trees we will get good rain, we will be saved from tsunami and thus save the world from climate change. Trees and forests are the hope of the world; they heal human, enrich their life experience and give them peace. Poet and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh from Vietnam, who was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. , in his book Touching Peace, Practicing the Art of Mindful Living, describes a human-nurturing tree-ritual: Ten years ago, I planted three beautiful Himalayan cedars outside my hermitage [in France], and now, whenever I walk by one of them, I bow, tough its bark with my cheek, and hug it. As I breathe in and out mindfully, I look at its branches and beautiful leaves. I receive a lot of peace and sustenance from hugging trees. Touching a tree gives both, you and the tree great pleasure. Trees are beautiful, refreshing, and old. When you want to hug a tree, it will never refuse. You can rely on trees. I have even taught my students the practice of tree hugging â⬠¦In the same way we touch trees, we can touch ourselves and others, with compassion. 2 Yes, trees are our friends. They listen to us, care for us, speak to us through their soft leaves, kiss us with beautiful flowers and feed us with kindness through their fruits. How sweet it is! Conclusion The main challenge is to connect human and forest. The social understanding and the so called development theories have clearly divided people from forest. It is very important for people to understand that forests are part of our world and that they should be taken care of by us. For example, my stay at Similipal forest range in August 2007 was quite strange and scintillating. Deep forest, no mobile phone tower or television, low voltage power; just a transistor, which received programmes from All India Radio,3 and a few people. Every night when I went to sleep, I often checked my bed and nearby places fearing the presence snakes. That much did I feel uncomfortable, and filled with hatred towards the forest. However, after 25 days, I realised that it was the most peaceful place in the world; a pure world of nature, and people with nature, and this learning experience led me to care for trees, because of which I am now concerned about nature. This is the real scenario of 75%-90% population of India towards the forest. This is my sincere suggestion that the Government and institutions should concentrate on their youngsters and teach them the reality of forest and its life and work for humanity. If they witness this truth no one would harm trees and they would promote forestation and also begin to nurture nature. Practically speaking, school and college children should be taken into the forests and given a chance to explore its beauty and appreciate its nobility from their childhood, through excursions, study trips and picnics. Misinterpretations and wrong indoctrinations about forests ought to be stopped. Only the tourism department of India is advertising Indian forests to foreign tourists to generate wealth but local people are poorly aware or informed of forest tourism. This has to be rectified. Media, such as newspapers, radio, television, and so on, promote the importance of forests throughout their programmes. Tribal people and their good social values nd practices need to be imparted to the mainstream. Philosophical and religious understanding of forests should be reconstructed with optimism and hope. Above all, as committed human we should spend much time in promoting forestation and eradicating deforestation collectively. I believe these that things would create a greener environment and help us to enhance the existing forests and to create more. To conclude, I would like to say that, when we enjoy forests and its resources we should always remember our responsibility of caring for forests and pass it to the coming generations, inviting them to express their solidarity with us in this noble mission. In a nutshell, the idea of forest as a thriller should be enjoyed, forest as martyr should be remembered, and forest as healer should be practiced.
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